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Hi guys please check out my Youtube channel and leave a like and a subscription. It’s about weightloss recipe that I cook everyday despite only having a rice cooker and a heater to cook my meals. Hope you’ll care to check it out! Thanks.

Here’s the link:

Always stay safe my loooves!

But don’t forget to have fun fuun fuuuuN😘

New Platform

Hi guys! I have a youtube channel. Just random update for now. Please care to check it out! Love you all!

Always stay safe and sound everyone! Always have fun fun fun…


I stumbled upon this page in my Facebook feed and I wanted to share it to all of you. Hope you’ll enjoy it. And for legal copyright, just email me or leave a comment below if you own any book and you wanted to take it down. This post is just to share to those struggling psych students out there. Maybe they can use this books during quarantine studies.


Photo Credits:

Also special thanks to the compiler of the books. You have been such a great help!

Bye for now readers! Let’s be fun fun fuuuun(even with all the quarantine).

I have to see you again🌾

I have to see you again.

Maybe by then I’ll find closure.

Maybe by then I’ll realize that we really couldn’t be together.

Maybe by then I’ll stop hoping for you to love me back.

I have to see you again and maybe I’ll find other flaws I will hate about you, other things you are interested to that I couldn’t understand, other words that I will find offensive and disrespectful, other parts of you that I couldn’t love.

I have to see you again and maybe it will hurt more that my heart will finally surrender.

Maybe it will finally consume me that my body and mind will finally give up.

I have to see you again and maybe after that, I’ll write one last prose, one last poem, one last goodbye and then I’ll finally and truly let you go.

Maybe this time your lips will taste stale, your embrace will feel cold, your eyes will look dull, your scent will smell awful, and your voice will sound like the songs I hate.

Maybe this time my chest won’t survive the explosion of my emotions and the next day, I’ll be reincarnated to a different body wondering why I ever loved you.



I dont know ho wrote this but it’s very painful not to share. I really like this poem😊 Hope ya’ll like it too😘

photo credits:

Life and Death

You are life. You are death.


It is when you lovingly hold me and kiss my forehead.

It is when you whispher I love you to my sad soul.

It is when I caught you staring at me and you just smile whenever our eyes met.

It is when you rest your head in my hands as if you have found your peace.

It is when you wipe my sweat away from around my eys to my nose.

It is when you hold my hand and kept me away from the direction of cars whenever we cross the street.

It’s the little things love.


It is when I have to remind myself these things whenever you chooses her over me.

I knew that even before the game start, she will win.

But you know what?

I will give it a try.

I will make you mine even if you already are.

I may have you physically but deep down I dont have your heart.

I will fight for you, for us.

Maybe by that way I will feel numb.

And maybe by then.

You will be neither be my life nor death.

You will be nothing.🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁

Sorry for random updates. I have been busy becauase of work. Lot of Corona Virus😒😒😒 Keep safe everyone.

credits photo:

I wrote –

It’s almost three in the morning just thinking what to write.

I feel how my eyes wants to doze off caused by sleepiness but my mind wants to scream awake.

Maybe because I am thinking about you or what you have become.

I am wondering if you were like that from the beginning or is it because you outgrew me.

I was thinking of how warm you are to me that I can describe you as home then suddenly you were so cold that I thought Im lost.

I was just remembering how you shed tears in the thoughts of hurting me and never did I know that imaginations of future mistakes is more hurtful for you rather than when its happening infront of your eyes.

I can never imagine ignoring you if I knew you are crying yourself to sleep unless I care no more.

I really wanted to write something with an intro and an ending but I ended up writing about my pain and heartache.

I wrote “YOU”.


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When I was young I would like to have the power of invisibility.

And now, I am a human ghost.

I don’t know if people can see me.

I don’t know if they can hear me.

Am I a ghost and I didn’t realize it yet?

Do I have such small voice that they don’t answer when I ask something.

Am I that annoying that they tend to ignore me?

Is everything I say irrelevant and nonsense that they don’t care to answer?

Am I really a human ghost?

When I was young I love to have a power of invisibility.

But now, I didn’t know it can hurt this much.


Credits to photo:…24902.27633..27826…0.0..0.185.1511.0j10……0….1………0i67j0j0i8i30j0i24j30i10j33i10.LZiciX7ngmk&ei=8f-MXYirIoPEmAWH3ZOgDg&client=ms-android-oppo&prmd=ivsn#imgrc=A4ITjP2cXPOwYM


Do you remember the moment where we stood infront the colorful sunset – smile in our faces and peace in our hearts?

I spoke, ” I want to build my house here”.

You asked why.

I uttered how I want to see this beautiful scenery everyday despite how dusty the place is and its lack of trees.

You want yours at the beach.

It’s been years since we grew apart.

I still want that lot tho, not because of the scenery but because it reminds me of you.

You already found home in her and together – the two of you, will build that dream at the beach.

And as for me, I will stay here at the desert like place – enjoying the sunset, reminiscing what we once had.


photo credits:


At the top of the hill where the wind brushes my face, I heard a voice that made me shatter.

A still small voice from deep within the heart, that even so small, it made my eyes water.

It went to my ears then unto my heart and I thought maybe it went to my chest blocking the air that enables me to breath.

I also thought that maybe it went to my stomach cause all I feel is butterflies of pain.

I am no one’s treasure you said.

Tho its a small voice, I heard it loud and clear as if you were shouting it inside me.

Maybe its because I’m no special being that what I feel about you doesnt count.

Or maybe I’m no human to you.

Because if I’m that, maybe I wouldnt feel this worthless piece of shit and not just a mere hindrance to you.




There was a crumpled paper on the floor.
It was tossed and used by so many people.
It was never made to be loved and cared for.
The crumpled paper is satisfied by just being in that floor.

In that floor she will remain unnoticed.
In that floor she will disappoint no one anymore.
In that floor, tho hidden, she will remain whole and not torn.
At least in that floor she found solace.

But one day, she was seen by some guy.
A guy noticed her from that dark and dusty floor.
The guy picked her up and made use of her.
The guy made the paper happy once in her life.

Since that happened, the guy and the crumpled paper was inseparable.
They eat together – sing together – laugh together – cry together – and love together – I mean, each other.

It seems no ending.
It was such a happy life.
But somethings are just not meant to stay forever.
The crumpled paper’s destiny was to rot and die alone.
And now, she will pay every ounce of happiness with amountful of pain, longer than her life.

But if in her pain she will see the guy grow and find its way to happiness.
Then that pain is worth having.

Its been such a happy life with you and I really dont want to let you go.
But if it means that by staying beside you will only bring endless suffering, then I have to set you free.

Not a special girl but just a crumpled paper you picked from the floor.

PS.dont feel sorry for me.

